Does Trump Work for Putin?

A question largely overlooked in the coverage of Donald Trump is why does he dishonor himself?

Why does he mock the disabled? Why does he insult our nation’s war heroes? Why, one week before the election, did he use a microphone to pantomime fellatio?

Where does dishonorable behavior get him? What does it achieve? Why does he continue with it? More recently, why is he siding with the known monster and murderer Vladimir Putin?

Any politician can tell you that success comes, in part, by not making enemies unnecessarily. Other rules include don’t disgrace yourself. Don’t embarrass the people you represent. Don’t do things that normal people would hate you for. But Trump does such things continually.

In fact, if there’s a rule to Trump’s behavior, it’s to do the opposite of the right thing.

What politician would behave that way?

The answer is that none would.

Working backward from this point, Trump then is not a politician. His actions show that Trump does not want popularity. He is not loved, even by those who support him. And as adoration is necessary to wield total power, Trump doesn’t want power at all. And he’s disinterested in government, except as a shelter from criminal prosecution.

Trump is a dullard and failure who bankrupted casinos, the world’s most profitable enterprises. His interests end at getting attention, nookie and cheeseburgers. So what does Trump want? Trump seems only to want to sow chaos and to stay out of jail.

So what explains his penchant for chaos?

How about this for a plausible explanation: Trump was on his fifth or sixth bankruptcy and running out of banks that would loan him money. So Trump did what everyone absolutely desperate for cash does, he went to the lender of last resort, the mob.

Mobs exist all over the world. They make money on drugs, on prostitution, loansharking, any activity or goods or services that a person can’t get legally or legitimately.

Perhaps Trump wanted a lot of money, so he turned to the biggest mob around, the Russian mob. These are the cretins who ransacked the Soviet Union as communism collapsed. The divvied up billions in state-owned industries and they hide behind Putin, who protects them for a slice of the action.

(In recent news stories, three former KGB officers now living in the West said that Trump went to work for Putin as early as 1987. Google it. Or, for more information, read Craig Unger’s book, “American Kompromat: How the KGB Cultivated Donald Trump, and Related Tales of Sex, Greed, Power, and Treachery.” Unger’s book “House of Trump House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia” reveals the depth of Russian mob activity in American politics, including funding the campaigns of U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell and others.)

Perhaps Trump borrowed from the Russian mob, then made the biggest mistake of his life – he lost the money. The mob kills people that lose its money, except for a few, special deadbeats. Special screw-ups, if they’re useful to the mob alive, don’t go swimming in cement shoes like the average schmuck.

Special screw-ups are offered another option: To be owned by the mob. The Italian mob has a name for this: a “made man.” A made man keeps his mouth shut and does what he’s told every day without question or his body washes up in a canal or he falls mysteriously out the window of a tall building.

Perhaps Vladimir Putin, when confronted with deadbeat Donald, gave Trump an offer he couldn’t refuse: Your new job is to create chaos in America and if you keep doing that, you won’t be found dead under mysterious circumstances like your buddy Jeffrey Epstein.

Putin knows he can’t invade the United States. The USA would kick his ass. But Putin is Russian and the Russians know a bit about strategy and statecraft. The game of chess is their national sport. Putin knows the value of a pawn and understands he needn’t invade the United States to destroy it.

All he needs to do is to create internal chaos, then watch it crumble from within. Enter Special Agent Trump and his mission to send our nation – and every place but Russia – into a dither.

Putin had a good hunch this would work because he witnessed the Republican Party and its rich friends divide America for decades with culture wars over religion, abortion, affirmative action, gay marriage, any divisive issue they could find.

Pump enough hatred through Fox News or Facebook, and fomenting civil war in America is as easy as starting a brush fire in a heat wave. All Trump had to do was to pump it up exponentially, to break every rule, to recognize the right thing to do, then do the opposite,

As America crumbles, Trump isn’t the big winner. He’s s a loser, an incompetent windbag and buffoon who will go down as the worst president in history. He knows that and it doesn’t bother him. Perhaps all that matters to him is that he gets to live another day.