The Haines Borough Police Department wants $64,000 because it overspent its budget after the fiscal year started last July. Police chief Heath Scott, at various forums starting late last year, said the department had spent $32,000 more than budgeted since July and was expecting to spend another $32,000 more than budgeted. Thus the $64,000 request that’s before the assembly. The…
People in Haines for years have been talking about a winter carnival, a big weekend event that could draw people here from surrounding communities. Like Skagway’s Buckwheat ski race, or Whitehorse’s Rendezvous. On the face of it, the idea has potential. Haines has better winter weather than Juneau, a bigger venue than Skagway, and lots of room to romp. The…
People in Haines for years have been talking about a winter carnival, a big weekend event that could draw people here from surrounding communities. Like Skagway’s Buckwheat ski race, or Whitehorse’s Rendezvous. On the face of it, the idea has potential. Haines has better winter weather than Juneau, a bigger venue than Skagway, and lots of room to romp. The…
Only every so often in a reporter’s career comes a story like the one on the run on free towels at Howsers. I’m thinking of the story of the diapered duck that lived indoors with a local family. Or when Byron Rettinger strapped foam target animals to his lodge in Fort Seward, raising novel questions about zoning regulations. Or the…
Only every so often in a reporter’s career comes a story like the one on the run on free towels at Howsers. I’m thinking of the story of the diapered duck that lived out Mud Bay. Or the day Byron Rettinger strapped foam target animals to his lodge as decoration. Or the advertised date that tent-dweller Nick Degtoff arranged so…
It’s budget season and the assembly needs to hear from you. Our local government is spending about $500,000 more per year than it brings in. That works only because the Haines Borough has savings, but living off savings is neither wise nor sustainable. And our $500,000 shortfall is likely to get bigger, rather than smaller, as the State of Alaska…
I certainly don’t feel good about the firing of Haines Borough manager Bill Seward, but I believe it was the best decision for the valley’s voters and taxpayers. I appreciate that there are legitimate concerns about the history of turnover in the manager’s position, including the difficulty of finding manager applicants who are highly qualified and the reputation of…
Anyone who has lived here long enjoyed a good laugh Tuesday afternoon when school was let out, borough offices were closed and the night’s assembly meeting was cancelled in response to about four inches of slush. Four middle-aged women out jogging along Main Street at lunchtime, laughing and chatting, made it abundantly clear that no one would die in…
I vowed when I left Anchorage in 1986, I wouldn’t be back. But the city is hard to avoid if you’re doing any business in Alaska, so I’ve returned again and again. For my wife’s green card. For my Little Brother’s graduation from Alaska Military Youth Academy. Most recently I went for the Alaska Municipal League conference, where municipal officials…